How does ChunkyFit compare?
Here's how we stack up to some of the biggest cookie brands in the industry on average. This comparison shows the total amount of calories and macronutrients per one full cookie.
320 Cals
440 Cals
760 Cals
Frequently asked question
All cookies are shipped within 2-4 business days of purchase. Because we bake fresh weekly we make sure you're receiving the freshest possible cookie.
Because we are a small business, we cannot ship our products in climate controlled packaging as temperatures get warmer in spring/summer months.The insulation we use protects the cookies from UV rays and minimal heat, but there is always risk of certain ingredients like chocolate melting. The cookies are temperature stable, however, they will melt if left in a hot truck, warehouse, porch and/or mailbox.
You can store your cookies in the fridge for an hour to bring them back to texture if desired. We cannot control the temperature in which USPS ships so please keep an eye on your tracking number to ensure your order is not left out in the heat for a long period of time.
All ChunkyFit Protein Cookies are different depending on ingredients used. Our third party lab tests have given us a shelf life of 4 months depending on choice of flavor.
We've added an oxygen absorber in each cookie package to extend freshness.
Although we recommend consuming within the first 2 weeks of arrival, you may refrigerate or freeze to extend shelf-life and freshness.
We always recommend to store in a cool, dry place with little humidity.
These are real, hand crafted cookies, and are not made in a large facility. So, just like any homemade cookie they are sensitive to the environment they are in. That's what makes them great and stand out from the rest.
Many of our customers like to refrigerate or freeze their cookies if they know they want to spread them out for longer!
While not all protein cookies include peanuts or other tree nuts, we do use the same machinery to produce all of our cookies so they are in the same kitchen as flavors that do include those common allergens.